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I am poet and a multidisciplinary artist with a focus in art & science and literature. A former health therapist with a BSc in Health and Integrative Medicine, complemented by Foundation Diploma in Art and Design and Master Degree in Fine Art and Computational Art from the University of the Arts London. Additionally, I am a qualified teacher and my passion lies in sharing my knowledge and skills with others, and I am eager to use my teaching expertise to offer workshops and classes in the realm of art.

My work is an ongoing explorations through experimentation with various materials and methods. My art and design practice ranges from painting to print and computational art. I blend traditional techniques with modern technology, resulting in the creation of both interactive and non-interactive works. I firmly believe that the use of diverse techniques and media serves as a gateway for my audience to interpret and connect with my creations in distinctive and meaningful ways.

Recent Exhibitions

London-Espacio Gallery 2021 

Switzerland-Swiss Art Expo 2021 

1st place Harrow Photography Awards  

Book: 49 Haiku to Boost Your Mood 

Filet Gallery 2023

Artbox New York 2023

Bargehouse Gallery 2023

profile pic
A flash of desire
Another blast from within
In the name of hope
-Maria Moradi